POL345 - Introduction to Quantitative Social Science

Undergraduate course, Princeton University, Department of Politics, 2021

Teaching assistant for Gleason Judd. Course Page.

Teaching Evaluations


  • Teach practical coding and data analysis skills in the R language to undergraduates in groups of 10-15, conducted over Zoom.
  • Manage a discussion forum for the entire class (approx. 100 students), responding daily to questions about course content and troubleshooting technical difficulties.
  • Run additional supplementary lectures on topics of interest (e.g. tidyverse packages, spatial data and maps).
  • Grade weekly problem sets and exams.

Course Content

  • Introduction to probability theory and causal inference (randomized experiments, sampling theory, evaluating research design).

  • Comprehensive introduction to coding in R, with a focus on data manipulation, visualization, and analysis of randomized experiments.