Russia's smart power foreign policy and Antarctica
The Polar Journal 2016
If the anarchy of the international system obliges states to pursue a foreign policy aimed at increasing their economic and military power in order to ensure their own security, then the interests of a number of states in Antarctica require further explanation. Despite the debateable value of the Antarctic region from the perspective of a strategy of hard power; the authors argue that Russian interests in Antarctica can also be seen as part of a strategy of maximising so-called “smart power”. Russia’s Antarctic policy aims to forward national interests as well as strengthening the nation’s internal and external image as a state committed to cooperatively resolving global problems. Russia’s recent significant expenditures in Antarctica and the Southern Ocean indicate the existence of a long-term foreign policy strategy on the part of the Russian leadership.
Recommended citation: Perry Carter, Anne-Marie Brady and Evgeny Pavlov (2016) Russia's smart power foreign policy and Antarctica, The Polar Journal, 6:2, 259-272, DOI: 10.1080/2154896X.2016.1257102